Club Information
Welcome to Our Club!

Service Above Self

We meet In Person
Thursdays at 6:30 PM
The Sherwood Inn
26 W. Genesee St
Skaneateles, NY 13152
United States of America
Regular meetings are on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Thursdays of the month at the Sherwood Inn.

Typically, Rotary meets for a Happy Hour at the Skaneateles American Legion on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 5 PM.
Skaneateles Rotary Club
Built as a stage coach stop in 1807, the Sherwood Inn, located in the Village of Skaneateles, has been a favorite place to meet for over two centuries. Overlooking the pristine Skaneateles Lake, the historic inn was the perfect setting for the Skaneateles Rotary Club’s "Charter Night" ceremony in 1927 and continues today as the primary location for the Club’s regular weekly meetings.
     From its humble beginnings 97 years ago, the Skaneateles Rotary Club has left an indelible mark on the local community and in the world, through its members' “Service Above Self” efforts in support of local and international Rotary initiatives. Local projects have included the restoration of the village’s lakefront gazebo restrooms, the building of a public pavilion at the Skaneateles Conservation area, new fencing and backstop for a little league field, the construction of a community-built playground area, a community brochure and map, and the handout of dictionaries to third graders. International projects supported include 500 sewing machines for rural India, water projects in several countries, and the CNY Books for the World project. Started in 2008 as a germ of a project by one Club Rotarian, the “CNY Books for the World” project is now a massive multi-district Rotary effort which, to date, has resulted in the movement of 700,000 pounds of books to Africa and other developing nations.
     With strong support and involvement of the Skaneateles School District, the Club also enjoys a vibrant and active Youth Exchange program and Interact Club. Since 1996, 75 in-bound exchange students have attended Skaneateles High School, becoming a part of the fabric of our community, while over 120 Skaneateles students have traveled abroad. Our Club and community are clearly creating a more peaceful world through Youth Exchange. Our 35 energetic Interact Club members participate in many service projects and fund raising activities throughout the year. Recent national and international efforts have included fund raising for victims of Hurricane Sandy and for the John Dau Foundation’s medical clinic in South Sudan. Both of these projects involved the creation of logos for popular t-shirts and a community wide awareness campaign.
     In order to support the many worthy organizations in our Skaneateles Community and throughout the world, our Club conducts two major fundraising efforts annually:
  1. Our record-breaking annual Fathers' Day Pancake breakfasts at which we feed around 3,000 folks every year. (CLICK HERE to view a time-lapse video of one of our breakfasts.)
  2. Our dinner event for the benefit of our local food pantries as well as the Community Outreach Program.
Our Rotary Club enjoys a long and proud history of serving Skaneateles and our world communities, while having fun. (CLICK HERE to learn more about that history.)
To engage in Rotary is to change lives! Why not consider attending one of our weekly meetings
to experience breathtaking scenery, warm conversations about our commitment to Service Above Self!
(Click here to learn about the Skaneateles Rotary Club's history)
Rotary International
Rotary International unites people from all continents and cultures who take action to deliver real, long-term solutions to our world’s most persistent issues. Through volunteering, our 1.2 million members make lifelong friendships that transcend political and cultural boundaries and foster global understanding and respect. In addition to our 35,000 clubs, Rotary also offers expanded service opportunities including:
Interact clubs bring together young people ages 12-18 to develop leadership skills while discovering the power of Service Above Self. There are more than 20,300 Interact clubs in 159 countries. (Click Here for the SHS Interact Club)
Rotaract clubs bring together young adults, starting at age 18, to exchange ideas with leaders in the community, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun through service.
Solving real problems takes real commitment and vision. Each year, Rotary members invest hundreds of millions of dollars and countless volunteer hours to promote health, peace and prosperity in communities across the globe. Rotary members take action by providing access to clean water snd sanitation, supporting education, preventing and treating disease, saving mothers and children and growing local economies.
Ending Polio
For more than 35 years, Rotary has been the driving force in the effort to end polio worldwide. Alongside our partners in the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, we have achieved a 99.9% reduction in polio cases with but 3 cases of wild polio reported in 2019 compared to 350,000 a year in the late 1980s. Our members have contributed $2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect more than 3 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease. Today, just two countries continue to report cases of wild poliovirus -- Afghanistan and Pakistan. Rotary remains committed to ending polio and will raise $50 million per year, with every dollar to be matched with two additional dollars through a matching agreement with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. CLICK HERE to see the latest EndPolio update.
For 119 years, Rotary members have been addressing challenges around the world. It started with the vision of one man — Paul Harris. The Chicago attorney formed the Rotary Club of Chicago on 23 February 1905, so professionals with diverse backgrounds could exchange ideas, form meaningful, lifelong friendships, and give back to their communities. Rotary’s name came from the group’s early practice of rotating meetings among the offices of its members.
To learn more about Rotary International, visit:
SKANEATELES ROTARY FACEBOOK: CLICK HERE to see our Facebook page, and be sure to LIKE and FOLLOW us!
If you'd like to add club information or make suggestions to our Facebook page, contact Kelley Wilson at
January 2025
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Our Facebook Page
Regular Meeting - The Sherwood
Jan 16, 2025 6:30 PM
Speaker: Lt. Col. Matthew Coyne, Syracuse University ROTC Programs
Service Project
Jan 25, 2025
Help Sunrise Rotary with Winterfest '25
Regular Meeting - The Sherwood
Jan 30, 2025 6:30 PM
Alexandria Perry, Executive Director of the Barrow Gallery
Club Executives & Directors
Immediate Past Pres.
Club Admin
Sergeant at Arms
Director 2024-25
Director 2024-25
Director 2024-26
Director 2024-26
Director 2024-26
Youth Exchange Chair
Rotary Foundation Chair
Membership-Rtn Chair
Membership Chair
Comm Service Chair
Bulletin Editor
Asst Bulletin Ed.
SRF Chairperson, 2024
SRF Vice Chair, 2024
SRF Treasurer 2024
SRF Secretary, 2024