Meal & 50/50 Ticket Sales Information
Skaneateles Rotarians are assigned to these weekly tasks in an alphabetical order.
NOTE: Please be at the table 15 to 20 minutes prior to the meeting.
Meal Tickets
- Cost is $15 per meal
- Current YE Student, Speaker, District Governor or Asst. Governor are not charged … any other no-charge tickets must be approved by the President)
- Member - are given a Yellow meal-ticket
- Guests – are given a White meal-ticket
- All should print their name and date on the ticket prior to them being collected at the table.
- Fill out the Weekly Dinner Ticket Summary and turn it into the Treasurer, or President if the treasurer is not present.
50/50 Raffle Tickets
- Costs are: 1 ticket for $1 or 3 tickets for $2 (no more than 3 tickets to be sold to a participant)
- Half of the ticket(s) is given to the participant and the other half is placed in the box for the draw
- The Draw
- Mix the ticket thoroughly and ask someone to pick one (typically a guest)
- The winner is the holder of the matching ticket
- The participant must be present to win.
- The Payout
- The winner receives 50% of the pot (round off goes to the club if an uneven amount)
- If the winner is a club member, they have the option to pull a card from the deck to take a chance of the Queens-Pot. If they choose to do so, then they only receive 25% of the weekly pot, and should they draw the Queen of Spades, they are the winner of Queens-Pot, which is the accumulation of remaining 25% of the previous draws.
- The card that is drawn is discarded, causing the deck to become smaller each week
- Once the Queen has been drawn, a new deck of cards goes into play in the following week.
- Funds collated go to the Treasurer or the President if the treasurer is not present)
- 50% is used for club expenses
- 25% of goes into the accumulated Queens-Pot (if a member had chosen to draw a card)