eClubs - an EXCELLENT & Fun Option .... by Ward
During this time of travel restrictions, many of us would like to stay in touch with the Rotarians in other parts of the country and world,  a Rotary eClub is a great option.  They are a source of excellent information, project ideas, a window into Rotary activities around the world, and they qualify for an attendance make-ups.  You can find time by going to the RI website's Club Finder, which you can find at the top of site's home page, or access direct at;   I have visited many eClubs when I travel or want to experience a totally different club setting.   One of my favorites, and very complete eClub is the; Rotary eClub of Southwest USA at  .  I would be interested in hearing from other Skaneateles club members, about the eClubs that you explore.  Try Them, You'll Like Them!   
CLICK HERE to view the club's Attendance Make-Up policies & procedures.